Presentations & Articles
My presentation at ResearchED National Conference and regional conferences from 2022-2024. The talk looks at why learning is so hard, why we're so bad at it, and some things that we, as teachers, can do about it.
You can flick through the slides below, and also see summaries of my talk by clicking the buttons.
Festival of Metacognition 2024
Slides from my presentation at the Festival of Metacognition in London, June 2024.
Wellington Festival of Education 2024
Slides from my presentation at the Festival of Education at Wellington College, July 2024.
ResearchED Belfast 2024
Slides from my presentation at the inaugural ResearchED Belfast, September 2024.
This article explores existing data practices, why they are so lucrative, and what are some alternatives leaders might want to explore. Co-authored for the Chartered College of Teaching's journal, Impact.
This article considers some recommendations that can lead to improved teaching, working towards the ultimate goal of improved student outcomes. Written for Greenshaw Research School.
This article looks at some of the theory underpinning worked examples & three learnings to help make worked examples work. Written for Greenshaw Research School.
How can we make a smooth start to September and establish routines that will support student learning for throughout the academic year? This article explore a few key ideas to support teachers with classroom behaviour management. Written for the Chartered College of Teaching.
What is "good" feedback? Is written or verbal better? This article explores the principles of effective feedback and how we can utilise them in the classroom. Written for Greenshaw Research School.